4 Tips to Help Stay Productive While Working From Home

Author:Texas Creative
Staying Productive While Working From Home

With the spread of the novel coronavirus affecting everything from travel to the availability of toilet paper, mitigating COVID-19 in the United States has become a growing issue. Under a recent order from the City of San Antonio, non-essential businesses are now required to close their doors and send their employees to work remotely until the virus can be slowed. Here at Texas Creative, we have followed the city’s orders and are now working remotely along with countless other businesses. 

Working from home is a pretty big adjustment for many of us. We enjoy coming to the office every day because our team is very collaborative and hands-on. However, I’m sure many of us have fantasized about working from home at one point or another. Sleeping in instead of making our morning commute, having an extra casual dress code, and spending more time with family and friends all sounds great. But working remotely can be a double-edged sword. Sure, you get to stay at home, but it can be harder to focus on actually working in an environment that you don’t usually do work in. Whether it’s a long chore to-do list that looks more appealing than your work to-do list, or your children and/or pets begging for your attention, staying productive at home can take a little extra effort. Here are four tips to stay productive while working from home.

Find a good location

Find a dedicated location in your home you can associate your job with so you don't feel like you’re always on the clock. I would definitely recommend NOT working from your couch and/or bed. Having a clear physical separation between work and your life is especially important for your mental health.

Stick with your routine

The mental association you make between work and an office can make you more productive, and there's no reason that feeling should be lost when working from home. Sticking to your normal workday routines will help you feel a better sense of normalcy. While the situation the world is currently facing is definitely not normal, getting ready in the morning, pouring your cup of coffee and putting on some pants will help you feel more motivated throughout the day. By abandoning your daily routines, you’re more likely to lose your willpower. 

Set a schedule

When you work from home, you don’t have the natural structure of other colleagues around helping you dictate when you are on or off the clock. There’s a lot more flexibility, so setting a schedule for work time is imperative to help you feel like you’re not constantly working. If you usually work from 8 am to 5 pm, try to stick as closely to those hours as possible. Then at the end of your scheduled day, put your computer away and transition to your home life.

Communicate often

Communication is key! Isolation can quickly become a downer for those used to socializing at work. Communicating with your team regularly by using tools such as Slack, Google Hangouts or Meet is a great way to keep in touch. Say good morning, share your cute pet or kid pictures, and check in with everyone to see how they’re doing.

While we’re navigating through these unprecedented times, we’re still learning and adjusting to keep the engine full-speed ahead. What are some of your tips to help stay productive while working from home? Let us know in the comments below!