Dogs in the Workplace: Why It’s a Good Idea

Carlene Calkins
Carlene CalkinsBilling Assistant
Dogs in the Workplace: Why It’s a Good Idea

When walking into Texas Creative and realizing someone has brought their dog to work, it sets the tone for the entire day. Sweet dogs just make your heart melt, especially at the workplace. It’s amazing what they can do with just their presence. Dogs can give so much to an individual and in return ask for very little. 

Makes You Smile

The commute that day may have been unpleasant, but then you walk in and see those big eyes and floppy ears and you realize that you’re smiling. Let’s not forget the voice that also comes out of your mouth when you start speaking to them — unusual, playful and sometimes just plain silly. 

Eases Tension

Getting into the daily routine can be extremely stressful at times and moving away from your desk you see that four-legged friend out of the corner of your eye. It’s enough of a distraction to relieve tension and make you calmer, perhaps even lowering your blood pressure.

Gives You Exercise

You’ve stepped out of the office and notice that the dog needs to go outside, so you’re quick to volunteer. Once back inside, there’s a ball that needs to be thrown, and this can go on for quite some time. The exercise is great for both of you and gives you the recharge needed to carry on with your day.

Creates Happiness and Love

Now that you have that Dopamine boost, you’re ready to take on your workload feeling happy and loving life. Remember that others in the office are probably feeling the same way, so this feeling has now multiplied. There may be a co-worker that rarely experiences this feeling of love and happiness, so it’s a gift to them when having a dog in the workplace. This is one reason why dogs are used for animal therapy. A dog’s love is unconditional.


In the back of your mind, you’ve been toying with the idea of getting a dog, but you still aren’t sure. Now that you’ve spent an entire day with this lovable animal, it makes you realize that you’re ready for the responsibility to become a dog owner. Don’t start with the best of the best looking for a purebred breeder, visit a local animal shelter. There are so very many dogs looking for what you have to offer them.

Dogs Get Lonely Too

Can you imagine from the dog’s perspective how it felt when they realized they were going to the office in the morning?  Some dogs are so happy that they become overly excited and uncontrollable even before they actually get to the car. Because, let’s face it, a dog’s life can be boring and depressing at home alone for the 8 plus hours you are at the office. The experience of having a dog in the workplace is not only good for you, but also good for them.  

We’re currently working from home, but hope to open that door and see our TXC pups again soon. They have been in quarantine too and will miss us terribly when we leave for the day, so another great reason to bring them to the office!


This blog is dedicated to my dear friend Debbie Hamilton and her love for all dogs that have walked through the doors of Texas Creative.