Blog Posts - Drupal
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Common Drupal 7 Coding Mistakes: Part 1
By Art Williams
This series will cover three Drupal 7 mistakes that I see regularly when training developers, or perusing the issue queues of Drupal modules, and I’ve personally made each of these mistakes. Getting a handle on these concepts, and breaking these bad habits will make you a better Drupal developer.
Using [‘und’]? You’re Doing It Wrong
Whether it’s in your theme’s template.php file or the custom field formatter module you wrote, don’t use [‘und’] ... ever ... seriously ... d

Drupal 8 is here! (You need a new site!)
By Texas Creative
#Celebr8D8 with @texascreative developers @To_Be_Benji & @jvative.
— Art Williams (@ArtisWilliams) November 20, 2015
Inevitably, if you are a Drupal-based agency, and have been around for awhile, with the trumpeted release of Drupal 8, you will get some variation of the following questions:
Client: “You tell me my site is on Drupal 7, and that you keep it up to date, but I see that Drupal 8 is out ... what!? And why do I need to rebuild a ‘new’ site to get

3 things every WordPress developer should know about Drupal
By Texas Creative
Sometime back in the mid to late 2000s when most web developers/designers began seeing the writing on the wall when it came to content management systems, most of us bit the bullet and also decided try one out. After all, our clients were pushing for it and it’s what all the cool kids were doing, so we begrudgingly fit it into our workflow.
Open-source CMS's drew the most attention, especially the ‘big three’ — Joomla, WordPress and Drupal.
Naturally, I was curious about each so I evalua