Blog Posts - Author: Hanna Janols
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Mental Health: Staying Healthy During the Pandemic and Beyond
By Hanna Janols
May is mental health awareness month.
Health and wellness is important to everyone more than ever — especially these days. Below are tips that I find helpful to keep up with overall mental and physical health.
Throughout the pandemic, there has been a lot of talk about mental health related topics and how many have been affected in some way during this time. The vast majority of people have gone through major changes in their reality over the last few years - from leaving off

2020 Takeaways
By Hanna Janols
2020 has been anything but conventional. We have gone from structured in-school learning by professionals to homeschooling by parents that are working from home simultaneously. Classrooms were traded for temporary desks made up of kitchen tables or any hard surface available. This year is when finding a decent priced desk was like looking for a needle in a haystack for us parents. We experienced the great toilet paper shortage and soap, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes were being traded between n

Working in the U.S. vs. Sweden
By Hanna Janols
Hej, Jag heter Hanna och jag kommer från Sverige!
(Hi my name is Hanna and I am from Sweden!)
I’ve lived in the U.S. for about 13 years now and have worked in several different environments and businesses all across the country, so I have a somewhat unique view on different work environments. I was born and raised in Sweden and lived there for 25 years. Coming to America, I learned quickly that the work culture is different than Sweden. And no - Sweden is not Switzerland, they are two s

5 Healthy Desk Job Habits
By Hanna Janols
Prior to working at Texas Creative, I worked a retail job. This meant being on my feet for 8 hours or more throughout my day. When I started my new job, let me say, I was quite excited about having a desk and a chair.
As an active person, I started wondering about how sitting down all day would affect my health. After some research, which was quite shocking to say the least, the statistics are anything other than positive. That in turn did encourage me to do some research about what you can do t