Blog Posts - Author: Jaime Contreras
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Basic Migration of File Fields to Media Entities Fields in Drupal 8
The Migrate File to Media module provides an easy way to migrate old file fields like images, files, videos, etc, into the media entities with a few drush commands.
So you can have an understanding of how the migration process works, In this tutorial, we will run through a few quick step-by-step instructions on how to migrate specific image field types to image entity reference fields.
Media Module
The core media module is what creates the “media” entity types. If you haven’t set

Drupal 8 Basic Media and Media Browser Setup for beginners
This is a beginner’s tutorial that will quickly get you up and running with media entities and a media entity browser in Drupal 8.
One of the best parts of Drupal 8 is the in-core feature of media entities. This allows Drupal to manage resources that otherwise it would not be able to. It accomplishes this by creating a bridge relationship between Drupal’s CMS, media files and external sources. It’s basically an entity referencing all kinds of media files like images, videos, documents or o

Why I Like Drupal 8 and You Should Too
The profession of building websites has seen many changes in the last few years. SEO, website performance, multi-screen responsiveness, and accessibility are no longer luxuries. On top of that, tools have emerged that have improved the development experience and simplified scalability. Finding a modern CMS or framework that can incorporate ALL of these considerations is difficult. Especially when the flexibility to be able to create unique websites is also important. This is where Drupal 8 outsh

3 Simple Fixes and Workarounds for Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 Migrations
There are a lot of migration articles online that explain how to edit YAML configurations and custom migration plugins, so I am skipping over that.
You should be familiar with the full migration concepts first. But before you start the migration process, you will need to clean up a few things from the old D7 site as well as prepare the new D8 site to make it able to take the old data including installing new modules for specific field types. That is what this article is about.
By clea

Calc(): Math On-The-Fly In Your CSS
What web developer or web UX designer does not love the power and flexibility of CSS to position an element. There are so many approaches available, like flexbox, grids, and columns that automatically adjust layouts. Recently, I made a new friend in the CSS world. I’m proud to share with you, “calc()”.
calc(), yes like the name suggests, CSS calculations on-the-fly!! (Wah!?!?!)
The most common situation for using calc() that we run across is when a sibling element needs to act like

Frosted Glass - HTML CSS TWEAKS
Creating a frosted glass effect using CSS is a better method than the old javascript hacks. Using CSS to create the frosted effect uses fewer resources from the site visitors computer by using the native browser rendering engine.
To test this just drag the frosted glass example in the top right of this page.
Ok, without wasting much of your time I’m going to jump straight into it.
The main components used for a classic frosted glass effect are:
> The original content
- - > T

Category:Web Development
Gmail setup for advanced custom signatures
There are plenty of Gmail signature setup guides available online. But when you are creating finished, HTML-coded email signatures with all of the styles, hacks, and tweaks which make it look the same in most email-clients, a simple Gmail setup tutorial is not going to cut it.
What happens in Gmail (and many other email clients) when you paste the signature into the signature box, is that things are changed at the code level. While Gmail is awesome in that it keeps a good visual representa

Block Exclude Pages Module (Drupal 10)
The improved blocks system in Drupal 10 provides a lot of flexibility to the site builder. But, have you ever had the problem of blocks showing on undesired pages because of the limits to visibility patterns?
The Problem Scenario
Say you added a custom block that only shows for users, so you set a visibility path with a wildcard like so: “/user/*”. All works great, as it should, and life is great!
Oh but no! Don’t celebrate too fast says your project manager. Here comes the problem.

Update Extended Module: Drupal Updates...No Regressions!
Whether you are new to Drupal or a total Drupal superstar with 1,000,000 hours on the metaphorical “Drupal wheel”, making decisions about what modules to update to what version is not as straight-forward as it sounds. We’ve found many situations where the Drupal update page actually suggests that you “upgrade” a module to an older version. This has resulted in regressions and extra work more times than we’d care to admit. But it is clearly a problem begging for a good solution.
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