Blog Posts - Author: Ana Fidencio-Ramos

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Media Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Media Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic and How it is Shaping the Advertising Landscape

By Ana Fidencio-Ramos

As more people have been ordered to stay home due to the growing concerns surrounding COVID-19, our daily media consumption is rapidly changing. The pandemic is influencing consumer attitudes, behavior, and expectations, while shaping the foreseeable future of the advertising world. Media Consumption and Consumer Behavior: With “Shelter in Place” mandates in several states and school closures across the country, the amount of time spent on platforms of choice has increased.  Younge
Four Tips For Having a Successful First Day at Your New Job

Four Tips For Having A Successful First Day At Your New Job

By Ana Fidencio-Ramos

Whether you’re fresh out of college, or have been in the workforce for 20+ years, the first day at a new job can be scary, yet exciting. There’s so much to look forward to – a new chance to make a great first impression, new responsibilities to help you grow in your career path, new professional connections who could turn into friends, and even a new (and clean) desk. According to career management expert, Amanda Augustine, "The first three months of any new job are an extension of the int