Blog Posts - Brand Management
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Media Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic and How it is Shaping the Advertising Landscape
As more people have been ordered to stay home due to the growing concerns surrounding COVID-19, our daily media consumption is rapidly changing. The pandemic is influencing consumer attitudes, behavior, and expectations, while shaping the foreseeable future of the advertising world.
Media Consumption and Consumer Behavior:
With “Shelter in Place” mandates in several states and school closures across the country, the amount of time spent on platforms of choice has increased. Younge

Understanding Media Channels and Their Roles in a Good Media Plan
By Texas Creative
Good brand management consists of making sure there is a sound plan in place to get information into the hands of the consumer. These days, there are many channels that we can use to get information out into the world, and there are three categories that define these channels: Owned, Earned and Paid media. At Texas Creative, we work in all of these spaces with our in-house team of experts. When all three are working in concert together, it provides stronger leverage and support for you

A UX Designer's Thoughts On Process And Tools For The New Year
It’s 2016, a new year — new opportunities and a chance to reflect on our successes of the previous year. Brought to mind during these moments we spend in observance of the passage of time are the tools and processes in which I spend the majority of mine.
2015 was a year of great progress for TXC. All of it for the better. In an effort to continue to embrace change that has served us so well, what follows is a set of considerations for the designer in the New Year.
1) Make Adoption Routine

Let’s get cerebral
I think I'm finally ready to admit it. I've known for quite a while and it’s time to lay it out there. I'm a hoarder. Thankfully, not a hoarder of the frightening danger to oneself and others variety, but a pack rat nonetheless — always stashing away a digital amassment to use in my creative development.
To create great things, a designer's mind must be fed.
My hoard is a massive bricolage of the bits and pieces I've culled from collective consciousness of the age. I index this digital ephem

Social media photo sizes: The ultimate cheat sheet
By Texas Creative
Can you remember the last time you stopped and thought, “It seems like quite a while since Facebook last changed its layout”? Now, I may be stepping out on a limb here, but I’m fairly certain you’re aware of just how often social media platforms update their designs and requirements, including image sizes. For marketers, graphic designers, social media specialists and small business owners, it can be difficult to keep up. So what are the best photo sizes to upload

Fresh (and ancient) perspectives on the evolution of brands
By Josh Norman
Creative people have a knack for finding inspiration in unexpected places, and for following lines of thinking into new spaces. It’s an effective way to keep unique ideas flowing, even if some of them turn out to be useless. The hunt is always on, though: What’s the one great concept that could make a single piece of creative or an entire advertising campaign exceptional?
I recently started handpicking audiobooks that I would listen to while driving to and from work each day. I was surprised

How to get the most out of your graphic designer
Transitioning from traditional academic to design courses during college was difficult after years of being told exactly what to do by teachers. I was suddenly given free reign and encouraged to just “be creative.” In hindsight though, the more years I put into design, the more I realized it was never truly free reign; I simply needed to adjust to solving problems creatively instead of academically, and like other designers, my straight forward, black and white approach subtlety transitioned