Blog Posts - Author: Samantha Esparza

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

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Category:Social Media

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts (Business and Personal)

By Samantha Esparza

A considerable amount of people manage multiple social media accounts. Most of those accounts are for personal use, but some are managed for business purposes. Whether a person is posting for business or pleasure; the following guidelines will maximize anyone’s social media presence and help avoid those awkward situations with friends, family, and colleagues.  Do’s: Respond & interact with your audience - It’s extremely important to make your audience feel heard and seen. Interact
The Influencer Effect

The Influencer Effect: Tips To Incorporate Influencers Into Campaigns

By Samantha Esparza

The rise of popular apps such as TikTok and Instagram prompted many companies, organizations, and national brands to seek alternative ways to target a younger generation of consumers. Many turn to social media influencers to accomplish this goal. Social media influencers hold power over many younger consumers because Millennials and Generation Z trust influencers' thoughts and opinions about a product or service. Most people on social media follow a particular influencer and feel like they know