Blog Posts - Author: Kelley Olmedo
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

What's Inspiring Me Lately: Podcasts
Lots of things go in and out of my head on a daily basis. Creatives can be strange like that. With an all-encompassing thirst for challenges, inspiration, and knowledge and an ever-shrinking ability to read and pursue my many interests, I have found that podcasts are perfect for easy access to constantly be able to fill my head. So today I am going to share with you the podcasts that have been inspiring me lately. Some are ones that I have loved for years and then there are some that just happen

Category:Graphic Design
The 5 Steps of Design
You may remember that in an earlier post I talked about “How To Get The Most Out Of Your Designer” and the four building blocks to helping me be the best designer I can be for you. I outlined a brief methodology of design and we took a look at the type of information I, as a designer, want to review and study before the design process begins.
Next, I want to explore the steps that follow, which is sometimes where the REAL fun begins! Once discovery sessions, organizational goals and creative

How to get the most out of your graphic designer
Transitioning from traditional academic to design courses during college was difficult after years of being told exactly what to do by teachers. I was suddenly given free reign and encouraged to just “be creative.” In hindsight though, the more years I put into design, the more I realized it was never truly free reign; I simply needed to adjust to solving problems creatively instead of academically, and like other designers, my straight forward, black and white approach subtlety transitioned