Blog Posts - Branding

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

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Don't Become the Necks Victim of "Vampire Creativity"

By Kimberly Boggs

“Best ad ever? [singing] 'Gimme a break! Gimme a break! Break me off a piece of that...' um... what was it again?" — Andy, The Office (US)   These days, the consumer marketplace has exploded with the number of product categories and brands. Marketers find themselves having to adopt exceedingly creative and innovative promotional strategies to gain attention in this fast-paced, overstimulated society. We must think outside the box to develop creative communication strategies to help prev

The Art of the Leave-Behind

By Texas Creative

We've all heard the phrase "love it or leave it", but in the world of advertising, we prefer to  "love it AND leave it". In this case, "leave it" refers to the leave-behind, a tool used to promote your brand, portray a message and just do fun stuff!  In my position as the Print Production Manager at TXC, I’m often asked to recommend options for what I so fondly call “trash and trinkets”, with the goal of ultimately making sure those items get produced, printed and delivered on ti

Logo Design - Development Best Practices

By Texas Creative

Ahhh the logo. Even the word itself is unique. In order to be successful in business, every company will need a unique logo to represent their brand and to build equity with. Brands come in many forms such as companies, products, organizations, groups, causes, places, achievements, events…all things that need to be readily recognized through a single graphic element. It is the graphical tip of the brand iceberg, the spearhead of identity programs, the symbol of all that is good about your busi