Blog Posts - Social Media

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

How to Get More Engagement on Social Media

How to Get More Engagement on Social Media

By Texas Creative

In 2008, just 10% of the US population was on social media. Today, that number has increased to 80%, with more than 3 billion people using social media worldwide. That's a lot of eyeballs. Marketers, eager to capitalize on this new medium, soon realized that social media was changing almost as fast as it was growing. New trends, features, and even platforms were coming out on a regular basis, and what worked last year (or even last month) might be rendered irrelevant overnight. Fortunately, one

Is Facebook Worth Your Advertising Dollars?

By Texas Creative

Since the day Facebook started allowing advertisers on their platform, there has been a paradigm shift of who truly is the customer of Facebook–consumers or advertisers. Facebook created a very delicate situation where, whichever way they leaned, they disturbed the equilibrium between consumers and advertisers. Over the years, Facebook has put more and more weight towards advertising, consequently neglecting the consumer. Now, with the latest scandal involving Cambridge Analytica, Facebook is
Generational Marketing

Generational Marketing: How to Reach Each Generation

By Texas Creative

I’ve always been fascinated, as many people are, with the differences between generations. Generations behave differently, are motivated by different things, and consume media in such different ways. All of these differences are motivated by the events happening in the world as they grew up or the access they had to certain technologies. My mom is a huge fan of reality TV. For the 33rd season of her favorite show, “Survivor”, the tribes of contestants were broken up into Millennials vs. Ge

Influencer Marketing…Is it right for you?

By Texas Creative

Using social media influencers is a relatively new form of marketing and is being capitalized on almost all social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube etc). However, “influencers” is not a new concept by any means. Brands have been benefiting from celebrity endorsements since the 1760’s when potter Josiah Wedgwood created a tea set for Queen Charlotte and promoted his pottery as the “Royal Standard”. The past few decades have been saturated with large compa

How To Optimize Your Social Video Ads

By Texas Creative

How To Optimize Your Social Video Ads (with user experience in mind) Advertising dollars are increasingly shifting from traditional to digital, and with good reason. Did you know that digital has surpassed traditional (TV, radio, print) as the most consumed media per day? And, within digital, video ad spending is growing at a faster pace than search and display? With this shift happening in media consumption and buying, it’s important to shift your creative processes as well. Working in the
1,000 Little Likes: Helping a Company Find Their Voice on Facebook

1,000 Little Likes: Helping a Company Find Their Voice on Facebook

By Michael Streubert

A few months back our agency began working with a new client called “The Little Bottle Company”, a small business that sells custom arrangements of, you guessed it, little bottles. They were interested in boosting their online presence and jump-starting their brand awareness in the Alamo city with a Facebook campaign. The Goal: Get Page Likes! In all honesty, their arrangements are actually quite impressive and fun to look at. They’re also made of alcohol. Our team kicked off the project w
Debunking the Top 7 Snapchat Misconceptions

Debunking the Top 7 Snapchat Misconceptions

By Texas Creative

If you’ve ever wondered, “what’s Snapchat?” don’t be discouraged. And if you think you are already a non-believer, let’s see if we can change your mind. As early adopters, we are both big fans of the social media app Snapchat for personal and business use. Keep reading as we share seven common misconceptions about the app and reveal why it might be a good fit for your brand. 1. It’s Just Another Social Media App Non-snappers might describe Snapchat as a head-scratching phenomenon w
Answer These Three Questions For a Killer Social Strategy

Answer These Three Questions For a Killer Social Strategy

By Texas Creative

So you’re on Facebook… Now what? Everyone knows you should be on Facebook, but do you know what to do when you’re there? I’ll give you a hint. Your mere presence will not guarantee success. The same sentiment can be carried over to all social platforms. In order to succeed in your social media endeavors, you need to establish a strategy. And no, just posting updates and funny memes is not a strategy. To establish a strategy, there are three important things you must first figure out. Yo
Category:Social Media

Warning: Social Media Conformity May Lead To An Unintentional Game Of Hide And Seek

By Texas Creative

Remember the childhood game that brought us laughter and hours of chasing, tracking and hiding? Hide and Seek was fun because everyone was eventually found or could at least jump out when you were tired of hiding. Now think how different this concept is received when you apply it to social media content. At the current height of the digital age, content is often hidden among the masses and knowing that it may never be found (let’s face it, consumers generally don’t seek out branded content)

Social media photo sizes: The ultimate cheat sheet

By Texas Creative

[INFOGRAPHIC June 2014] Can you remember the last time you stopped and thought, “It seems like quite a while since Facebook last changed its layout”? Now, I may be stepping out on a limb here, but I’m fairly certain you’re aware of just how often social media platforms update their designs and requirements, including image sizes. For marketers, graphic designers, social media specialists and small business owners, it can be difficult to keep up. So what are the best photo sizes to upload