Blog Posts - Social Media
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Agencies Utilizing their Strengths for the Election
By Texas Creative
Everyone should be utilizing their strengths to encourage those around them to vote during this election. Whether it’s simply sharing helpful resources on your social media or spreading awareness by word of mouth, something is better than nothing. One of the many perks that comes with working for a marketing agency is that we have the power to utilize our talents for the greater good of our community, and the nation, during this presidential election. At Texas Creative, we took it upon ourselv

Tech Tok: Big Tech and Capitol Hill.
Their past few weeks together have been eventful.
Here’s two big reasons it matters to marketers.
With it being a Presidential election year, you might expect I’d be focusing on Facebook. That is certainly important to note. We have noticed their flagging paid ads as “political” or “social issues” in nature to be much more prevalent. Make sure you have a partner that can be quick with a plan to divert those dollars into other tactics, or find ways to address any creative concerns tha

Texas Creative Digital Marketing
By Krystal Vela
It’s 2020, and if you are in the market for a new digital marketing agency, this is the blog for you! At Texas Creative, we take pride in our digital marketing capabilities and measurable outcomes that we provide to our current clients. From paid digital and social advertising, to building award-winning websites, we offer customized solutions for all of your digital needs, all under one roof. Below are just a few of the top reasons to consider TXC as your new digital agency (but believe me, th

The Age of Podcasts - What We’re Listening To
By Texas Creative
Long drive? Podcast. Cleaning the house? Podcast. Commute to work? Podcast. Podcasts are a great way to learn new things, stay up to date with current events and trends, or even just provide you with some good ‘ole entertainment.
According to Nielson, there are more than 700,000 active podcasts and more than 29 million podcast episodes. The top five most popular podcasting genres are Society and Culture, Business, Comedy, News and Politics, and Health. Over half of the U.S. population ha

6 Ways to Help Ensure Mobile App Privacy
By Texas Creative
If you opened up social media last month, whether it was Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, there’s a good chance that your timeline was full of pictures of your family and friends aged as 75-year-olds. These entertaining photos were a product of FaceApp, a mobile face-editing application that took the world of social media by storm for a whole week before people started to question the privacy of the app. Of course, as soon as the FaceApp was at its peak, the huge buzz-worthy topic of mobile ap

What Is Search Engine Marketing and Why Your Business Should Be Doing It
By Texas Creative
Have you ever Googled something and noticed that usually the first two results that appear are ads? Those ads are there from the magic of Search Engine Marketing. Search Engine Marketing, also known as SEM, PPC, or paid search (yes, it has many names), is one of the most important channels in advertising for generating conversions and quality website traffic. SEM produces fast results by reaching an audience that is actively searching for the product, information or service your business has to

The Power of YouTube Influencers
By Texas Creative
Many of us know that Social Media Influencers have been on the rise since the early 2010’s, but maybe not all of us know how powerful these influencers have become -- specifically YouTubers. It seems everyone has jumped on board with partnering with Instagram Influencers, but we don't often hear about YouTube Influencers.
YouTubers are now considered to be celebrities. We can debate that if you want, but the attention and fan-bases that many content creators have is astronomical. Billions of v

The Biggest Themes of Social Media Week Austin
By Texas Creative
Social media and digital media, in general, are fast and always evolving platforms that require a lot of continuous education. But you already knew that, since that’s probably what led you to this blog. Attending Social Media Week Austin (SMWATX) last month gave me the opportunity to step away from my computer screen and have real-life conversations with industry thought leaders. And, after three days of learning from some of the best in the business, I walked away with five themes on how to i

Using Social Media to Establish Thought-Leadership: The Costs and Benefits
By Texas Creative
Often times, social media is overlooked for B2B marketing. It is seen as a tool for businesses to reach consumers, not other businesses. However, the truth is when people are on social media, they are looking for content that provides value to their lives — at home and at work. When looking at B2B marketing, some of the most valuable content you can create is content that educates.
Just think about it: How often are you looking for information regarding your industry? Whether reading about bes

Make The Right Move: Who to Hire for Your Social Media
By Texas Creative
Chances are you’re on at least one of the many social media platforms, and you’re not alone—69% of the American population have a presence on at least one of them. And as a business owner, you also understand the need to get your company out there so by default you also know you’ve got to get on social media.
Where do you start? Facebook has the highest number of users while Twitter’s demographics are largely college educated and live in cities. If your brand does well visually maybe y