Blog Posts - Advertising
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Agencies Utilizing their Strengths for the Election
By Texas Creative
Everyone should be utilizing their strengths to encourage those around them to vote during this election. Whether it’s simply sharing helpful resources on your social media or spreading awareness by word of mouth, something is better than nothing. One of the many perks that comes with working for a marketing agency is that we have the power to utilize our talents for the greater good of our community, and the nation, during this presidential election. At Texas Creative, we took it upon ourselv

Sports Advertising in 2020
By Texas Creative
On March 11, 2020, the NCAA announced that they would be shutting their doors to audience members for the remainder of all March Madness games. From there, things seemed to spiral and hit every other major sport. That very weekend I had planned a trip to see the Spurs play at the AT&T center. I was so disappointed when I heard that games had been canceled indefinitely. I did not realize that things would only become worse from there. Well here we are six months later and things are looking g

The Big Game’s Real MVP
By Texas Creative
The Super Bowl brings out the best of the best in advertising. This may be because a 30-second commercial will cost you millions to show nationally. Variety reported that this year, “CBS has been seeking between $5.1 and $5.3 million for a package of inventory that often includes a 30-second TV ad….” This budget is nothing to be messed around with. Let’s jump into it and break down what I call the best advertisements in Super Bowl History.
Coming in third place is the Snickers “

Move Over for Movement Marketing
By Texas Creative
Like a fine wine, advertising has only become better with age. Now, there is more media and platforms for your brand to feature their product or service. Through the power of advertising we can now also change how people view key issues. With the political state of the country seeing radical changes in the past two to three years which have polarized the nation, advertising has started taking on the battle of activism.This activism in advertising is called movement marketing.
Movement marketing

The Art of the Leave-Behind
By Texas Creative
We've all heard the phrase "love it or leave it", but in the world of advertising, we prefer to "love it AND leave it". In this case, "leave it" refers to the leave-behind, a tool used to promote your brand, portray a message and just do fun stuff!
In my position as the Print Production Manager at TXC, I’m often asked to recommend options for what I so fondly call “trash and trinkets”, with the goal of ultimately making sure those items get produced, printed and delivered on ti

5 Things I Thought I Knew About Advertising
By Texas Creative
I joined Texas Creative as an intern in January 2017. At the time, I thought I had a pretty good idea of how advertising works and what goes on behind the scenes at an agency. I didn’t.
In the months since then, I have tried my best to clear up any misconceptions that I had about advertising in order to better understand how it actually works in the real world.
I soon realized that going from someone who views a lot of ads to someone who makes them for a living is no easy task. Lik

It’s Not a Game
By Texas Creative
Securing a sports sponsorship that brings value to your brand can be elusive. It can also be an absolute homerun. What you have to keep in mind is that it’s not a game.
This is not a beginner’s game or one for the faint of heart. The major (and minor) leagues and their front office negotiators are pros; often lifers in their jobs and certainly motivated to sell you the inventory they have for the highest price they can get, without regard to your marketing and brand goals. Don't ge