Blog Posts - Strategic Planning

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.


Influencers on Product Placement

By Texas Creative

We’ve all seen it: the obvious product label conveniently placed in the shot. The camera pans over it casually, but we’ve already seen the commercial. In the famous satirical product placement scene in Wayne’s World, Wayne says, “Contract or no, I will not bow to any sponsor,” while conveniently holding a box from Pizza Hut. The rest of the scene bounces from product to product as commercially as possible. That’s the thing though. We’re used to seeing it on TV and film and more rec
Reasons Why Your Company Should Start Blogging Today

3 Reasons Why Your Company Should Start Blogging Today

By Texas Creative

Is your company blogging? If not, it should start ASAP. Hubspot defines business blogging as a marketing tactic that uses blogging to get your business more online visibility (just like social media, direct mail, email marketing, etc.) that helps support business growth. According to research, B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67% more leads than those that don’t. Still not sold on blogging? Here are a couple more reasons why your organization needs utilize this underrated tool. 1. SEO Bene

Business Leadership Styles: What’s the latest fashion?

By David Parker

Along with the returning of the swallows and the running of the grunions, there’s another momentous natural phenomenon that occurs without fail on an annual basis: the releasing of the bull. Also known as the publication of the latest New York Times bestseller introducing a revolutionary, new, can’t miss system/philosophy/religion for business success and leadership. Through the years, we’ve been told by the gurus of attaining business nirvana to deal artfully, tip our points, release our

Is Facebook Worth Your Advertising Dollars?

By Texas Creative

Since the day Facebook started allowing advertisers on their platform, there has been a paradigm shift of who truly is the customer of Facebook–consumers or advertisers. Facebook created a very delicate situation where, whichever way they leaned, they disturbed the equilibrium between consumers and advertisers. Over the years, Facebook has put more and more weight towards advertising, consequently neglecting the consumer. Now, with the latest scandal involving Cambridge Analytica, Facebook is

The Future of Media

By Krystal Vela

The media industry is constantly experiencing change, especially with the advancements in technology and major shifts in consumer viewing habits. Marketers are trying to understand how new digital capabilities fit into their marketing plans. Large traditional media companies are either prepared to offer digital capabilities or scrambling to get into the space. Smart devices have connected everything around us, and cross-device targeting is the new hot topic. In keeping up with media industry new
Generational Marketing

Generational Marketing: How to Reach Each Generation

By Texas Creative

I’ve always been fascinated, as many people are, with the differences between generations. Generations behave differently, are motivated by different things, and consume media in such different ways. All of these differences are motivated by the events happening in the world as they grew up or the access they had to certain technologies. My mom is a huge fan of reality TV. For the 33rd season of her favorite show, “Survivor”, the tribes of contestants were broken up into Millennials vs. Ge
Rebranding ‘Baby Boomer’

Rebranding ‘Baby Boomer’

By David Parker

Ok. Let’s start by putting it all out there. Full disclosure. No secrets between us. I ain’t no spring chicken. In fact, I’m pretty much past summer and into autumn. (Exhibit A: My forest of thick, wavy brown hair is starting to resemble a drone shot of Arctic snow drifts.) During my lengthy career in the advertising and marketing biz, I’ve been a witness to incredible change: From the days when switching fonts on a page required replacing the interchangeable type ball on your IBM Sele

5 Things I Thought I Knew About Advertising

By Texas Creative

I joined Texas Creative as an intern in January 2017. At the time, I thought I had a pretty good idea of how advertising works and what goes on behind the scenes at an agency. I didn’t.  In the months since then, I have tried my best to clear up any misconceptions that I had about advertising in order to better understand how it actually works in the real world.  I soon realized that going from someone who views a lot of ads to someone who makes them for a living is no easy task. Lik

Digital Advertising: Where To Start

By Krystal Vela

In the past few years, I have worked with several clients who wanted to expand their digital advertising efforts but had no idea where to start. They asked to advertise on Facebook because it’s the “cool” thing to do, or they wanted to run on websites that they themselves visited regularly. These are common scenarios of what clients are thinking in regards to digital advertising, and our job as media experts is to bring them back to first answer a few key questions:  WHAT are the goa
Answer These Three Questions For a Killer Social Strategy

Answer These Three Questions For a Killer Social Strategy

By Texas Creative

So you’re on Facebook… Now what? Everyone knows you should be on Facebook, but do you know what to do when you’re there? I’ll give you a hint. Your mere presence will not guarantee success. The same sentiment can be carried over to all social platforms. In order to succeed in your social media endeavors, you need to establish a strategy. And no, just posting updates and funny memes is not a strategy. To establish a strategy, there are three important things you must first figure out. Yo