A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.
Category:Graphic Design
Avoiding a Fontastrophe: Why You Should Never Ask Your Agency to Send Fonts to You
By Josh Norman
Fonts. They’re literally everywhere you look, on everything you read. Many times, they are a core component of graphic design and website development. Type purists like to point out, “You can’t even design without type.” And that’s true, assuming your work requires something to be read.
With our eyes so trained to recognize words thousands of times throughout the course of any given day, it’s no wonder that the legality of font usage can be so easily overlooked. It’s almost akin to
Category:Account Management
Why Mentoring Matters to Millennials
By Texas Creative
I can still remember my first day of the “ad life”. I had just come out of seven years of internal brand-side marketing for a large company and had convinced myself that agency side was going to be my next challenge. As I walked into my first meeting I looked around the room, hearing smart people spew out every acronym you could imagine and ideas that gave me goosebumps. The first few weeks I kept my head in a notebook taking in as much as I possibly could while, in the back of my mind, ques
Answer These Three Questions For a Killer Social Strategy
By Texas Creative
So you’re on Facebook… Now what? Everyone knows you should be on Facebook, but do you know what to do when you’re there? I’ll give you a hint. Your mere presence will not guarantee success. The same sentiment can be carried over to all social platforms. In order to succeed in your social media endeavors, you need to establish a strategy. And no, just posting updates and funny memes is not a strategy.
To establish a strategy, there are three important things you must first figure out. Yo
What's Inspiring Me Lately: Podcasts
Lots of things go in and out of my head on a daily basis. Creatives can be strange like that. With an all-encompassing thirst for challenges, inspiration, and knowledge and an ever-shrinking ability to read and pursue my many interests, I have found that podcasts are perfect for easy access to constantly be able to fill my head. So today I am going to share with you the podcasts that have been inspiring me lately. Some are ones that I have loved for years and then there are some that just happen
Common Drupal 7 Coding Mistakes: Part 1
By Art Williams
This series will cover three Drupal 7 mistakes that I see regularly when training developers, or perusing the issue queues of Drupal modules, and I’ve personally made each of these mistakes. Getting a handle on these concepts, and breaking these bad habits will make you a better Drupal developer.
Using [‘und’]? You’re Doing It Wrong
Whether it’s in your theme’s template.php file or the custom field formatter module you wrote, don’t use [‘und’] ... ever ... seriously ... d