A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.
Block Exclude Pages Module (Drupal 10)
The improved blocks system in Drupal 10 provides a lot of flexibility to the site builder. But, have you ever had the problem of blocks showing on undesired pages because of the limits to visibility patterns?
The Problem Scenario
Say you added a custom block that only shows for users, so you set a visibility path with a wildcard like so: “/user/*”. All works great, as it should, and life is great!
Oh but no! Don’t celebrate too fast says your project manager. Here comes the problem.
5 Things I Thought I Knew About Advertising
By Texas Creative
I joined Texas Creative as an intern in January 2017. At the time, I thought I had a pretty good idea of how advertising works and what goes on behind the scenes at an agency. I didn’t.
In the months since then, I have tried my best to clear up any misconceptions that I had about advertising in order to better understand how it actually works in the real world.
I soon realized that going from someone who views a lot of ads to someone who makes them for a living is no easy task. Lik
It’s Not a Game
By Texas Creative
Securing a sports sponsorship that brings value to your brand can be elusive. It can also be an absolute homerun. What you have to keep in mind is that it’s not a game.
This is not a beginner’s game or one for the faint of heart. The major (and minor) leagues and their front office negotiators are pros; often lifers in their jobs and certainly motivated to sell you the inventory they have for the highest price they can get, without regard to your marketing and brand goals. Don't ge
Logo Design - Development Best Practices
By Texas Creative
Ahhh the logo. Even the word itself is unique. In order to be successful in business, every company will need a unique logo to represent their brand and to build equity with. Brands come in many forms such as companies, products, organizations, groups, causes, places, achievements, events…all things that need to be readily recognized through a single graphic element. It is the graphical tip of the brand iceberg, the spearhead of identity programs, the symbol of all that is good about your busi
The Case for Creativity
It’s June, which means the 2017 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is underway. This is the time of year I always find a renewed sense of creative inspiration from reviewing all the great collective work the world is producing. It’s too early to call out key themes or trends from the winner's circle that we can all admire and learn from; so instead, I’ve curated a list of some of my favorites this year, as well as some classics worth paying homage to that continually craft t