Blog Posts - Inspiration

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

Four Tips For Having a Successful First Day at Your New Job

Four Tips For Having A Successful First Day At Your New Job

By Ana Fidencio-Ramos

Whether you’re fresh out of college, or have been in the workforce for 20+ years, the first day at a new job can be scary, yet exciting. There’s so much to look forward to – a new chance to make a great first impression, new responsibilities to help you grow in your career path, new professional connections who could turn into friends, and even a new (and clean) desk. According to career management expert, Amanda Augustine, "The first three months of any new job are an extension of the int
Seeking Awesome

Seeking Awesome

By Texas Creative

Pursuing a higher level of work performance, respect among coworkers and just plain fun. I think it’s safe to say that everyone appreciates people who do awesome things, especially when it applies to the people that they work with. At Texas Creative, we’ve had an “Awesome Program” in place for years that’s designed to give our employees a platform for venting their appreciation of a coworker’s awesome work performance. It’s a way for the employee to say “thank you” to a coworke
Working in the U.S. vs. Sweden

Working in the U.S. vs. Sweden

By Hanna Janols

Hej, Jag heter Hanna och jag kommer från Sverige!  (Hi my name is Hanna and I am from Sweden!) I’ve lived in the U.S. for about 13 years now and have worked in several different environments and businesses all across the country, so I have a somewhat unique view on different work environments. I was born and raised in Sweden and lived there for 25 years. Coming to America, I learned quickly that the work culture is different than Sweden. And no - Sweden is not Switzerland, they are two s
Leveraging Illustrator's Zig Zag Effect to Make a Vintage Badge

Leveraging Illustrator's Zig Zag Effect to Make a Vintage Badge

By Josh Norman

Vintage badges – they’re as popular today as ever. In fact, I wonder if they should really be considered “vintage,” if they’ve never gone out of style? Badges can add authenticity, a level of trust, and an established feel to a brand. Designers have a number of tools in Adobe Illustrator to tackle the task of creating a badge. In this video tutorial, I’ll explain why my advice is to resist your instincts and never touch the star tool when you set off to create one.
What We’re Listening To

The Age of Podcasts - What We’re Listening To

By Texas Creative

Long drive? Podcast. Cleaning the house? Podcast. Commute to work? Podcast. Podcasts are a great way to learn new things, stay up to date with current events and trends, or even just provide you with some good ‘ole entertainment.  According to Nielson, there are more than 700,000 active podcasts and more than 29 million podcast episodes. The top five most popular podcasting genres are Society and Culture, Business, Comedy, News and Politics, and Health. Over half of the U.S. population ha
8 Self-Care Tips to Managing Type 1 Diabetes in the Workplace

8 Self-Care Tips to Managing Type 1 Diabetes in the Workplace

By Texas Creative

Transitioning into a scheduled 8-5pm work lifestyle at a creative agency with Type 1 Diabetes can be arduous. But it doesn’t have to be with this short guide on how to manage Type 1 Diabetes in the workplace. Before we get started, let’s discuss the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.  Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that causes a person’s pancreas to cease production of the hormone, insulin. The result is the person becomes insulin dependent. This
Difficult Accounting Conversations

The Art of Difficult Accounting Conversations

By Jenifer Crader

In everyday life, people don’t typically enjoy talking about money - the same can be said in business. The truth of the matter is, this is one of the more common things that we deal with in an agency setting. We talk about estimates, payments and financials with clients and even internally. I have seen that there is a common approach to these conversations, whether it be with your coworkers or with clients, that can help ease and guide the conversation in a positive direction for everyone
Tips That Will Make Returning Back to Work Easier After Maternity Leave

5 Tips That Will Make Returning Back to Work Easier After Maternity Leave

By Texas Creative

Going back to work after having a baby has its own set of challenges that a new mom, or dad, face once you enter parenthood. The thought of waking up before the sun rises and heading off to work, after being up most of the night with a crying baby, seems unthinkable. Plus attempting to be the same employee you were before you left is no easy task. Although you're going to experience a few hiccups along the way, hopefully these 5 tips will make heading back to work a little less stressful on you
The Evolution of Texas Creative

The Evolution of Texas Creative: A Q&A Session With Executive Vice President and Creative Director Josh Norman

By Texas Creative

At Texas Creative, we believe companies must evolve to remain relevant, so we sat down with Vice President and Creative Director, Josh Norman, to learn about his 18 year tenure here and how he's watched the company grow over the years. 1. What is your role at Texas Creative? I’m Executive Vice President and Creative Director, and my role is to help direct the creative team along with Brian, our President and Chief Creative Director; David, our VP/Creative Director, and Marcus; our Associa
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

By Texas Creative

After graduating college, a lot of people do not know what is next in their path. I remember finishing up my degree and realizing that it was time to get a “real” job and make it on my own. It was a lot to handle in a short amount of time. Moving to a new city and meeting new people can be hard. I found some easy ways to get involved and to network around my area in San Antonio, Texas. A little background for you; I graduated college from Texas Tech University, in good ole’ Lubbock and the