Blog Posts - Inspiration

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

2020 Takeaways

2020 Takeaways

By Hanna Janols

2020 has been anything but conventional. We have gone from structured in-school learning by professionals to homeschooling by parents that are working from home simultaneously. Classrooms were traded for temporary desks made up of kitchen tables or any hard surface available. This year is when finding a decent priced desk was like looking for a needle in a haystack for us parents. We experienced the great toilet paper shortage and soap, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes were being traded between n
Agencies Utilizing their Strengths for the Election

Agencies Utilizing their Strengths for the Election

By Texas Creative

Everyone should be utilizing their strengths to encourage those around them to vote during this election. Whether it’s simply sharing helpful resources on your social media or spreading awareness by word of mouth, something is better than nothing. One of the many perks that comes with working for a marketing agency is that we have the power to utilize our talents for the greater good of our community, and the nation, during this presidential election. At Texas Creative, we took it upon ourselv
Staying Creative

Staying Creative

By Kelley Olmedo

We all fall into ruts in our daily lives. As responsibilities pile up, we become machines of routine that eventually can lead to monotony. It is hard to be creative within monotony. I get it, I have three kids and there are plenty of days where efficiency is the only goal of the day, so when I read an article telling me to “break routine” in order to be more creative, I just laugh. But, there are some tips I can offer that I find helpful. Not all of them are pandemic-proof, but we can possib
The Right People in the Right Positions Make a High-Performance Agency

The Right People in the Right Positions Make a High-Performance Agency

By Texas Creative

Without people, an ad agency is no more than a stack of business cards, a computer or two, a conference table and chairs and maybe some awards. Fundamentally, an ad agency is a group of people who work together to come up with creative ideas to change the behavior of a target audience in order to achieve a marketing goal for their client. People… strategic, talented, skilled, business-savvy people make an advertising agency work. It is mission critical that the strategic minds work well with t
Get Smart with Your Smart Devices and Services, Apple Edition

Beginners Guide: Get Smart with Your Smart Devices and Services, Apple Edition

By Josh Norman

With the caveat that the world is a mess and I’m ridiculously fortunate to have THIS as a blog post, I’ll say humbly that I’ve spent a lot of the last five months while working at home getting my digital life in order, one small bit at a time.  Despite the flurry of smart devices and home hubs that have flooded the market over the past 5 years, we’re clearly still in the infancy of IOT, the “internet of things.” From toasters with touchscreens to washers and dryers that share th
Staying Productive While Working From Home

4 Tips to Help Stay Productive While Working From Home

By Texas Creative

With the spread of the novel coronavirus affecting everything from travel to the availability of toilet paper, mitigating COVID-19 in the United States has become a growing issue. Under a recent order from the City of San Antonio, non-essential businesses are now required to close their doors and send their employees to work remotely until the virus can be slowed. Here at Texas Creative, we have followed the city’s orders and are now working remotely along with countless other businesses. 
Sometimes, the Most Impressive Stat Is 1

Sometimes, the Most Impressive Stat Is 1

By Marcus Romero

Over the past 35 years, Texas Creative has partnered with a very lengthy and impressive list of clients to successfully market a large variety of products and services. Consistently achieving an elevated level of success requires an understanding of each client’s business on both a macro and a micro level. The process invariably involves a plethora of charts and graphs, statistics, Google Analytics, year-over-year-same-store-sales, industry benchmarks, executive summaries, KPI dashboards, and


By Carlene Calkins

When we first read about the Coronavirus epidemic, I’m sure we didn’t think much more about it. The distance between us and the origin of the virus was great, and nothing could happen to any of us because we are in the United States. This couldn’t have been further from the truth and there are many ways this affects our country directly as well as indirectly. CHECK THE LABEL Now this one is big and it’s very much direct. Where does a large majority of our current purchases originate from
Milestones: 35 Years & Counting

Milestones: 35 Years & Counting

By Texas Creative

When the idea first hit me to try my hand at starting a business, it was 1985. Ronald Reagan was president, a gallon of gas was $1.09, the Bears won the Super Bowl, CDs were new, the first version of Windows was released and the Titanic was found. And oh yeah, the first Macintosh computer was introduced the year before and the word on the street was that it’s going to have a profound impact on the industry we work in. What an understatement and what a time it was.   The Time Was Righ
New Year, New Knowledge!

New Year, New Knowledge!

By Ashley Landers

To kickoff 2020, here are 10 things you might not have known about Texas Creative. 1. We’re turning 35. We were founded by our current President, Brian Eickhoff, in 1985 as a graphic design studio. Over the years, Brian has touched many brands throughout Texas and beyond. For some of his proudest, give us a call to schedule a visit – we’ll gladly walk you through our “walls of fame.” 2. We’re a full-service marketing and advertising firm. While our DNA is rooted in graphic design, we