
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

TV with red screen and vampire teeth with blog title

Don't Become the Necks Victim of "Vampire Creativity"

By Kimberly Boggs

“Best ad ever? [singing] 'Gimme a break! Gimme a break! Break me off a piece of that...' um... what was it again?" — Andy, The Office (US)   These days, the consumer marketplace has exploded with the number of product categories and brands. Marketers find themselves having to adopt exceedingly creative and innovative promotional strategies to gain attention in this fast-paced, overstimulated society. We must think outside the box to develop creative communication strategies to help prev
The Psychology of Color, brain with splashes of color around it

The Psychology of Color in Marketing

By Texas Creative

When it comes to color, context is everything. A pinch of a particular color could produce an appealing composition, while too much of the identical color could disrupt it.  Here is an overview of basic color meanings: White: The use of white color in business signifies cleanliness and hygiene. It indicates calmness, simplicity, and organization. White has been elected as a symbol of goodness, spirituality, purity, balance, perfection, hope, and honesty. You may find this color used a lot f
5 Years With the Bullet Journal: From College to the Workplace

5 Years With the Bullet Journal: From College to the Workplace

By Texas Creative

As an account coordinator, the most important part of my job is organization. Using a bullet journal and the “bullet journal method” helped me through college and turned me into the organization superstar I am today. I’d like to use this blog post to share why I think it is so useful and how my use of it has changed over time.  My bullet journals date back to 2017, and I keep my collection of 4 journals on a shelf in my apartment, available for me to read whenever I want. I don’t re


By Michael Streubert

I’ve been designing websites in Sketch for the last 5 years, and I’ll admit that removing the process from Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator felt like the most powerful software revolution in the design ecosystem since we abandoned Quarkxpress.  But recently it has come to my attention that Adobe XD may be making enough headway to usurp Sketch from atop the UI/UX throne. So for my last web project I decided to dust off my Udemy account and fire up some YouTube videos and learn more about XD.
Brand Voice

Brand Voice

By Ashley Landers

A client approached us recently to get involved in their Brand Identity work about mid-way into their internal process. It isn’t ideal to start mid-stream and work backwards, but we were happy to step in and provide value. They initially hired us to help with their web design and development as well as copywriting. After a few discovery sessions with them, we all agreed we needed to pause on the executional work and spend more time on the brand foundational work. Namely, Brand Voice.  Our