
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

A city park with a community gathering to clean up litter

Launching a Successful Community Improvement Initiative

By Ashley Landers

Recently we helped our partners, the San Antonio River Authority, launch their anti-litter initiative. A year in the making, it started when residents received a bad report on the amount of litter that ends up in area creeks and rivers. Reflecting on how much work went into making this trash outreach initiative a success, below are a few tips that could apply to any public service effort. 1. Elicit Emotion: Give people a reason to care. Focus on how the issue collectively impacts the community.
A person on a laptop with screens behind them with targeted advertisements

Are You Following Me? The Reality of Behavioral Retargeting

By Brenda Gonzales

Have you ever had the feeling that you are being followed while casually browsing around on the internet? You spot a beautiful cashmere sweater on your favorite retail website and place it in your shopping cart for safekeeping, only to move onto Facebook to spot a big, bold ad with the exact same sweater you put in your shopping cart.  I can attest that this has happened to me many times — dozens of Kendra Scott jewelry ads seem to find me everywhere I go online. I say this as I turn to m
blog title with a detective looking at a computer screen with a magnifying glass

8 Tips to Power Up Google Searches

By Texas Creative

When companies come to Texas Creative for help with reputation management, our first strategy is to perform a comprehensive Google search to explore what type of information about the client is out there. I thought we were thorough at SEO research until I stumbled upon a Twitter post by Chris Hladczuk (@chrishlad) that walked through the “8 Googling Tips You Probably Don’t Know”. I will share his tips below. These tips offer great efficiency when trying to find the things you want and
Title of blog next to an illustration of a person seated at a desk, video calling with coworker

The Joys and Challenges of Remote Onboarding: Advice for Employees and Employers

By Texas Creative

In the 18 months since the world shut down in March 2020, millions of Americans lost their jobs. I have read varying reports, but the count is somewhere in the ballpark of 30 million (give or take 10 million or so). That is 30 million people that have likely experienced job hunting, interviewing, and onboarding while being 100% remote. I am one of them. I started not one, but two new jobs since being laid off in early April 2020, and I have learned a few things along the way! Tips for Employees:
Purple gradient graphic with blog title and Adobe XD logo

Create an animated mobile menu in Adobe XD

By Josh Norman

As mentioned in a previous blog by art director Michael Streubert, we’ve been exploring Adobe XD recently as an alternative to Sketch for UI design work. While I agree with much of Michael’s Sketch vs. XD showdown, I find myself more on Team XD than Michael (and won’t even hold it against him much), primarily because of XD’s built-in prototyping and animation tools. So, let’s do something today in XD that’s not possible using Sketch alone: design, prototype, and animate a mobile menu