Blog Posts - Communications
A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.

3 Reasons Why Your Company Should Start Blogging Today
By Texas Creative
Is your company blogging? If not, it should start ASAP. Hubspot defines business blogging as a marketing tactic that uses blogging to get your business more online visibility (just like social media, direct mail, email marketing, etc.) that helps support business growth. According to research, B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67% more leads than those that don’t. Still not sold on blogging? Here are a couple more reasons why your organization needs utilize this underrated tool.
1. SEO Bene

Move Over for Movement Marketing
By Texas Creative
Like a fine wine, advertising has only become better with age. Now, there is more media and platforms for your brand to feature their product or service. Through the power of advertising we can now also change how people view key issues. With the political state of the country seeing radical changes in the past two to three years which have polarized the nation, advertising has started taking on the battle of activism.This activism in advertising is called movement marketing.
Movement marketing

To Research, Or Not to Research.
By Texas Creative
The idea of conducting market research can seem overwhelming and expensive. I recently had the privilege of helping conduct market research for one of my clients and it has been an extremely educational and eye-opening experience for myself, my internal team and my client. Because market research has been a huge part of my daily life lately, I thought I would share with you the three reasons why you, as a brand, should invest in market research.
Market research bases your communications strategy

How to Get More Engagement on Social Media
By Texas Creative
In 2008, just 10% of the US population was on social media.
Today, that number has increased to 80%, with more than 3 billion people using social media worldwide.
That's a lot of eyeballs.
Marketers, eager to capitalize on this new medium, soon realized that social media was changing almost as fast as it was growing. New trends, features, and even platforms were coming out on a regular basis, and what worked last year (or even last month) might be rendered irrelevant overnight.
Fortunately, one

Facebook's 3 Customers
So much talk about Facebook these days – in the news, in the office, on the playground. Like it or not, it’s become ubiquitous.
In a single day two weeks ago, I went from watching Congress grill Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg on a live-stream from my office, to learning just a few hours later from my social team that one of our client’s Facebook accounts had been put on hold due to a “suspicious credit card on file” (an account with the same corporate credit card in use for over a ye

5 Tips to Strengthen Client Relationships
By Texas Creative
Last time you saw me here in the blog-a-sphere I was writing tips for clients who were looking to partner with agencies, that blog can be read here.
As I was spending time thinking about what blog topic I wanted to tackle this time around, I felt drawn to the importance of building strong relationships with CURRENT clients. While it is common in the advertising agency world to focus on gaining new business, taking care of the business you already have is key to long-term success. Below I have ou

3 Tips For a Better Blog
By Texas Creative
With marketing and advertising constantly evolving, is a tactic as simple as blogging still relevant? According to a survey conducted by Orbit Media Studios to get insight on 1000+ business bloggers, the answer is yes! Over the four years, they have conducted this study, a clear theme has been established – bloggers are being rewarded for their content marketing efforts. Almost 30% of respondents have reported that they experience “strong results” towards their goals from their blog posts,

7 Tips That Will Make You a Stronger Presenter
By Texas Creative
Some people live for giving presentations, while most people consider it their worst nightmare. In fact, the fear of public speaking is consistently listed as one of the most common fears people have. Whichever category you fall under, presenting to an audience is bound to occur at some time or another in your career. The challenge of facilitating remarkable presentations can be conquered with these 7 tips.
1. Prepare
Always take the time to prepare. You should never wait until the last minute t

WOO Hoo!
By Texas Creative
Here at Texas Creative, we are tasked with taking the Gallup Strengthsfinder Test. It provides customized results that name your unique talents. It's what we do best. The test assigns us traits like Activator, Includer, and Maximizer. When I took the test, I got a WOO. WOO stands for Winning Others Over, and I was the only person in the office to receive one (until a new hire also received a WOO a few months later).
The definition of a WOO: People exceptionally talented in the WOO theme love the

Cancer and the Workplace
CANCER - talk about killing a conversation in one quick second. When you get the diagnosis, at first you think they are wrong. It was someone else’s results. The surgery was supposed to have taken care of everything. I can’t handle this, I have too much to do, my life is in chaos already. And then, what is going to happen at work, can I keep my job? We all know the health care situation right now, being without insurance is not an option.
As many of you might already know, this has ha