Blog Posts - Digital Media

A place where we discuss the communication industry and give our insights on advertising, website development, graphic design and strategic planning.


9 Months Later...

By Debbie Hamilton

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”  C.S.Lewis Fate whispers to the warrior.  “You cannot withstand the storm” and the warrior whispers back “I am the Storm” I AM THE STORM – I found strength in this quote during the past year.  Having cancer and working full time has many times been an uphill battle; however, with a strong support system, you can, as I did, Withstand This STORM and come out the other side to the magic word “Remissi
Category:Digital Media

Improving Digital Advertising in a Cluttered Space

By Texas Creative

As with all things advertising, our approach to solid digital advertising starts with good strategy. It must be supported. It must be targeted. It must build conversion.  All of our campaigns include some type of traditional brand building advertising to support the digital efforts. Without brand awareness, digital ads go unnoticed. Similar to when you find yourself tossing junk mail into the trash while keeping the direct mail from brands you recognize.  In some cases, to amplify a br

Is Facebook Worth Your Advertising Dollars?

By Texas Creative

Since the day Facebook started allowing advertisers on their platform, there has been a paradigm shift of who truly is the customer of Facebook–consumers or advertisers. Facebook created a very delicate situation where, whichever way they leaned, they disturbed the equilibrium between consumers and advertisers. Over the years, Facebook has put more and more weight towards advertising, consequently neglecting the consumer. Now, with the latest scandal involving Cambridge Analytica, Facebook is

The Future of Media

By Krystal Vela

The media industry is constantly experiencing change, especially with the advancements in technology and major shifts in consumer viewing habits. Marketers are trying to understand how new digital capabilities fit into their marketing plans. Large traditional media companies are either prepared to offer digital capabilities or scrambling to get into the space. Smart devices have connected everything around us, and cross-device targeting is the new hot topic. In keeping up with media industry new

CSS Grid vs. Flexbox

By Texas Creative

In the earlier days of front-end website development, many people relied on the CSS table structure to create layouts. Then, there were floats and other positioning methods, but these left out a lot of functionality and were essentially just hacks. Fortunately for me, I wasn't doing much front-end development in those days and was spared from (most of) the horrors. In recent years, many developers, such as myself, have been utilizing Flexbox to help create more dynamic web page layouts. Flexbox
Generational Marketing

Generational Marketing: How to Reach Each Generation

By Texas Creative

I’ve always been fascinated, as many people are, with the differences between generations. Generations behave differently, are motivated by different things, and consume media in such different ways. All of these differences are motivated by the events happening in the world as they grew up or the access they had to certain technologies. My mom is a huge fan of reality TV. For the 33rd season of her favorite show, “Survivor”, the tribes of contestants were broken up into Millennials vs. Ge

How To Optimize Your Social Video Ads

By Texas Creative

How To Optimize Your Social Video Ads (with user experience in mind) Advertising dollars are increasingly shifting from traditional to digital, and with good reason. Did you know that digital has surpassed traditional (TV, radio, print) as the most consumed media per day? And, within digital, video ad spending is growing at a faster pace than search and display? With this shift happening in media consumption and buying, it’s important to shift your creative processes as well. Working in the

Digital Advertising: Where To Start

By Krystal Vela

In the past few years, I have worked with several clients who wanted to expand their digital advertising efforts but had no idea where to start. They asked to advertise on Facebook because it’s the “cool” thing to do, or they wanted to run on websites that they themselves visited regularly. These are common scenarios of what clients are thinking in regards to digital advertising, and our job as media experts is to bring them back to first answer a few key questions:  WHAT are the goa
Debunking the Top 7 Snapchat Misconceptions

Debunking the Top 7 Snapchat Misconceptions

By Texas Creative

If you’ve ever wondered, “what’s Snapchat?” don’t be discouraged. And if you think you are already a non-believer, let’s see if we can change your mind. As early adopters, we are both big fans of the social media app Snapchat for personal and business use. Keep reading as we share seven common misconceptions about the app and reveal why it might be a good fit for your brand. 1. It’s Just Another Social Media App Non-snappers might describe Snapchat as a head-scratching phenomenon w
Capitol Confidential: Can Digital Media Save Powerful Politics?

Capitol Confidential: Can Digital Media Save Powerful Politics?

By Texas Creative

Remember when voters sat in front of televisions to get the latest news? Or how about the good old days of off-year election campaign ad spending restraint? In today’s connected world, voters’ decisions are influenced in many ways, and these opportunities are growing in the form of micro-moments online. These I-want-to-know moments help shape undecided voters into decided voters. Thus, digital media is crucial for the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Studies implicate that political ad spend